Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 9, 2019

Config Switch HPe

Using the CLI

The CLI offers these privilege levels to help protect the switch from unauthorized access:
  1. Operator
  2. Manager
  3. Global Configuration
  4. Context Configuration

[NOTE: ]
NOTE: CLI commands are not case-sensitive.

When you use the CLI to make a configuration change, the switch writes the change to the Running-Config file in volatile memory. This allows you to test your configuration changes before making them permanent. To make changes permanent, you must use the write memory command to save them to the Startup-Config file in non-volatile memory. If you reboot the switch without first using write memory, all changes made since the last reboot or write memory (whichever is later) will be lost. For more on switch memory and saving configuration changes, see Switch Memory and Configuration.

Privilege levels at logon

Privilege levels control the type of access to the CLI. To implement this control, you must set at least a Manager password. Without a Manager password configured, anyone having serial port, Telnet, or web browser access to the switch can reach all CLI levels. (For more on setting passwords, See the chapter on usernames and passwords in the Access Security Guide for your switch.)
When you use the CLI to log on to the switch, and passwords are set, you will be prompted to enter a password. For example:
CLI log-on screen with password(s) set
HP J8697A Switch 5406zl
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In the above case, you will enter the CLI at the level corresponding to the password you provide (operator or manager).
If no passwords are set when you log onto the CLI, you will enter at the Manager level. For example:
HP Switch# _

CAUTION: HP strongly recommends that you configure a Manager password. If a Manager password is not configured, then the Manager level is not password-protected, and anyone having in-band or out-of-band access to the switch may be able to reach the Manager level and compromise switch and network security. Note that configuring only an Operator password does not prevent access to the Manager level by intruders who have the Operator password.
Pressing the Clear button on the front of the switch removes password protection. For this reason, it is recommended that you protect the switch from physical access by unauthorized persons. If you are concerned about switch security and operation, you should install the switch in a secure location, such as a locked wiring closet.

Privilege level operation

Access sequence for privilege levels
Access sequence for privilege levels

Operator privileges

At the Operator level you can examine the current configuration and move between interfaces without being able to change the configuration. A ">" character delimits the Operator-level prompt. For example:
HP Switch>_

(Example of the Operator prompt.)
When using enable to move to the Manager level, the switch prompts you for the Manager password if one has already been configured.

Manager privileges

Manager privileges give you three additional levels of access: Manager, Global Configuration, and Context Configuration. A "#" character delimits any Manager prompt. For example:
HP Switch#_

(Example of the Manager prompt.)
  • Manager level: Provides all Operator level privileges plus the ability to perform system-level actions that do not require saving changes to the system configuration file. The prompt for the Manager level contains only the system name and the "#" delimiter, as shown above. To select this level, enter the enable command at the Operator prompt and enter the Manager password, when prompted. For example:
    HP Switch> enable
    HP Switch# _
    Enter enable at the Operator prompt. CLI prompt for the Manager password. The Manager prompt appears after the correct Manager password is entered.
  • Global configuration level: Provides all Operator and Manager level privileges, and enables you to make configuration changes to any of the switch’s software features. The prompt for the Global Configuration level includes the system name and "(config)". To select this level, enter the config command at the Manager prompt. For example:
    HP Switch# config
    HP Switch(config)#_
    Enter config at the Manager prompt. The Global Config prompt.
  • Context configuration level: Provides all Operator and Manager privileges, and enables you to make configuration changes in a specific context, such as one or more ports or a VLAN. The prompt for the Context Configuration level includes the system name and the selected context. For example:
    HP Switch(eth-1)#
    HP Switch(vlan-10)#
    The Context level is useful, for example, for executing several commands directed at the same port or VLAN, or if you want to shorten the command strings for a specific context area. To select this level, enter the specific context at the Global Configuration level prompt. For example, to select the context level for an existing VLAN with the VLAN ID of 10, you would enter the following command and see the indicated result:
    HP Switch(config)# vlan 10
    HP Switch(vlan-10)#
Privilege level hierarchy — Operator Privilege
Privilege LevelExample of Prompt and Permitted Operations
Operator Level
HP Switch>
show <command> setup
View status and configuration information.
ping <argument>
link-test <argument>
Perform connectivity tests.
Move from the CLI interface to the menu interface.
Move from the CLI interface to the menu interface.
Exit from the CLI interface and terminate the console session.
Terminate the current session (same as logout).
Privilege level hierarchy — Manager Privilege
Privilege LevelExample of Prompt and Permitted Operations
Manager Level
HP Switch#
Perform system-level actions such as system control, monitoring, and diagnostic commands, plus any of the Operator-level commands. For a list of available commands, enter ? at the prompt.
Global Configuration Level
HP Switch(config)#
Execute configuration commands, plus all Operator and manager commands. For a list of available commands, enter? at the prompt.
Context Configuration Level
HP Switch(eth-5)#
HP Switch(vlan-100)#
Execute context-specific configuration commands, such as a particular VLAN or switch port. This is useful for shortening the command strings you type, and for entering a series of commands for the same context. For a list of available commands, enter? at the prompt.

How to move between levels

Change in LevelsExample of Prompt, Command, and Result
Operator level to Manager level
HP Switch> enable
HP Switch#_
After you enter enable, the Password prompt appears. After you enter the Manager password, the system prompt appears with the # symbol:
Manager level to Global configuration level
HP Switch# config
HP Switch(config)#
Global configuration level to a Context configuration level
HP Switch(config)# vlan 10
HP Switch(vlan-10)#
Context configuration level to another Context configuration level
HP Switch(vlan-10)# interface e 3
HP Switch(int-3)#
The CLI accepts "e" as the abbreviated form of "ethernet".
Move from any level to the preceding level
HP Switch(int-3)# exit
HP Switch(config)# exit
HP Switch# exit
HP Switch>
Move from any level to the Manager level
HP Switch(int-3)# end
HP Switch#
HP Switch(config)# end
HP Switch#
Moving between the CLI and the Menu interface. When moving between interfaces, the switch retains the current privilege level (Manager or Operator). That is, if you are at the Operator level in the menu and select the Command Line Interface (CLI) option from the Main Menu, the CLI prompt appears at the Operator level.
Changing parameter settings. Regardless of which interface is used (CLI, menu interface, or WebAgent), the most recently configured version of a parameter setting overrides any earlier settings for that parameter. For example if you use the menu interface to configure an IP address of "X" for VLAN 1 and later use the CLI to configure a different IP address of "Y" for VLAN 1, then "Y" replaces "X" as the IP address for VLAN 1 in the running-config file. If you subsequently execute write memory in the CLI, then the switch also stores "Y" as the IP address for VLAN 1 in the startup-config file. (For more on the startup-config and running config files, see Chapter 5, "Switch Memory and Configuration".)

Listing commands and command options

At any privilege level you can:
  • List all of the commands available at that level
  • List the options for a specific command

Listing commands available at any privilege level

At a given privilege level you can list and execute the commands that level offers, plus all of the commands available at preceding levels. For example, at the Operator level, you can list and execute only the Operator level commands. However, at the Manager level, you can list and execute the commands available at both the Operator and Manager levels.
Type “?” to list available commands. Typing the ? symbol lists the commands you can execute at the current privilege level. For example, typing ? at the Operator level produces this listing:
The Operator-level command listing
HP Switch> ?
 chassislocate         Control the chassis locate led.
 dir                   Display a list of the files and subdirectories in a
                       directory on a USB device.
 display               Display current system information.
 enable                Enter the Manager Exec context.
 exit                  Return to the previous context or terminate current
                       console/telnet session if you are in the Operator
                       context level.
 link-test             Test the connection to a MAC address on the LAN.
 logout                Terminate this console/telnet session.
 menu                  Change console user interface to menu system.
 page                  Toggle paging mode.
 ping                  Send IPv4 ping request(s) to a device on the network.
 ping6                 Send IPv6 ping request(s) to a device on the network.
 quit                  Exit from current command view
 services              Display parameters for the services module.
 show                  Display switch operation information.
 traceroute            Trace the IPv4 route to a device on the network.
 traceroute6           Trace the IPv6 route to a device on the network.
 verify                Verify the signature of a switch firmware image.
 wireless-services     Display parameters for the wireless-services module.
-- MORE --, next page: Space, next line: Enter, quit: Control-C
Typing ? at the Manager level produces the listing in the following example:
The Manager-level command listing
HP Switch# ?
 backup                Backup next startup-configuration file to TFTP server
 boot                  Reboot the device.
 clear                 Clear table/statistics.
 clock                 Display/set current time, date, and local time
 command-alias         Specify command alias
 configure             Enter the Configuration context.
 copy                  Copy datafiles to/from the switch.
 debug                 Enable/disable debug logging.
 delete                Delete a file
 diagnostic-level      Set the diagnostic level.
 end                   Return to the Manager Exec context.
 erase                 Erase stored data files.
 getMIB                Retrieve and display the value of the MIB objects
 getNextMIB            Retrieve and display the value of the next MIB object
                       for each OID specified
 kill                  Kill other active console, Telnet, or SSH sessions.
 licenses              Manage premium features.
 log                   Display log events.
 print                 Execute a command and redirect its output to the device
                       channel for current session.
-- MORE --, next page: Space, next line: Enter, quit: Control-C
When - - MORE - - appears, there are more commands in the listing. To list the next screen of commands, press the Space bar. To list the remaining commands one-by-one, repeatedly press [Enter].
Typing ? at the Global Configuration level or the Context Configuration level produces similar results.
Use [Tab] To search for or complete a command word. You can use [Tab] to help you find CLI commands or to quickly complete the current word in a command. To do so, type one or more consecutive characters in a command and then press [Tab] (with no spaces allowed). For example, at the Global Configuration level, if you press [Tab] immediately after typing “t”, the CLI displays the available command options that begin with “t”. For example, entering
HP Switch(config)# t 

displays the following:
HP Switch(config)# t
As mentioned above, if you type part of a command word and press[Tab], the CLI completes the current word (if you have typed enough of the word for the CLI to distinguish it from other possibilities), including hyphenated extensions. For example, entering
HP Switch(config)# port-

displays the following:
HP Switch (config)# port-
HP Switch (config)# port-security
Pressing [Tab] after a completed command word lists the further options for that command. For example, entering
HP Switch(config)# qos

displays the following:
HP Switch (config)# qos
 udp-port              Set UDP port-based priority.
 tcp-port              Set TCP port-based priority.
 device-priority       Configure device-based priority for a particular IP
 dscp-map              Define mapping between a DSCP (Differentiated-Services
                       Codepoint) value and an 802.1p priority.
 protocol              Configure protocol-based priority.
 queue-config          Configure the number of egress priority queues for each
 type-of-service       Configure the Type-of-Service method the device uses to
                       prioritize IP traffic.
 watch-queue           Enables monitoring of per-queue dropped packets due to
                       outbound congestion on the given port.

Listing commands options

You can use the CLI to remind you of the options available for a command by entering command keywords followed by ?. For example, suppose you want to see the command options for configuring the console settings:
How to list the options for a specific command
HP-5406zl-Praseeda(config)# console 

 baud-rate             Set the data transmission speed for the device connect
                       sessions initiated through the Console port.
 events                Set level of the events displayed in the device's Events
 flow-control          Set the Flow Control Method; default is xon-xoff.
 idle-timeout          The number of seconds of no activity detected before the
                       switch terminates a session.
 inactivity-timer      [Deprecated] Set the number of minutes of no activity
                       detected before the switch terminates a communication
 local-terminal        Set type of terminal being used for the current console
                       or Telnet session (default is vt100).
 screen-refresh        Set refresh time for menu status and counters in
 terminal              Set type of terminal being used for all console and
                       Telnet sessions (default is vt100).

Displaying CLI “Help”

CLI Help provides two types of context-sensitive information:
  • Command list with a brief summary of each command’s purpose
  • Detailed information on how to use individual commands
Displaying command-list Help.


Displays a listing of command Help summaries for all commands available at the current privilege level. That is, at the Operator level, executing help displays the Help summaries only for Operator-Level commands. At the Manager level, executing help displays the Help summaries for both the Operator and Manager levels, and so on.
For example, to list the Operator-Level commands with their purposes:
Context-sensitive command-list help
HP Switch> help

 chassislocate         Control the chassis locate led.
 dir                   Display a list of the files and subdirectories in a
                       directory on a USB device.
 display               Display current system information.
 enable                Enter the Manager Exec context.
 exit                  Return to the previous context or terminate current
                       console/telnet session if you are in the Operator
                       context level.
 link-test             Test the connection to a MAC address on the LAN.
 logout                Terminate this console/telnet session.
Displaying Help for an individual command.


<command-string> help
This option displays Help for any command available at the current context level.
For example, to list the Help for theinterface command in the Global Configuration privilege level:
How to display help for a specific command
HP Switch(config)# interface help
Usage: [no] interface < [ethernet] PORT-LIST [...] | loopback <num> >

Description: Enter the Interface Configuration Level, or execute one
             command for that level. Without optional parameters
             specified, the 'interface' command changes the context to
             the Interface Configuration Context Level for execution of 
             configuration changes to the port or ports in the PORT-LIST
             or with loopback keywork it will change context to loopback
             mode. Use 'interface ?' to get a list of all valid commands.
Note that trying to list the help for an individual command from a privilege level that does not include that command results in an error message. For example, trying to list the help for the interfacecommand while at the global configuration level produces this result:
HP Switch# speed-duplex help
Invalid input: speed-duplex

Configuration commands and the context configuration modes

You can execute any configuration command in the global configuration mode or in selected context modes. However, using a context mode enables you to execute context-specific commands faster, with shorter command strings.
The switch offers interface (port or trunk group) and VLAN context configuration modes:
Port or trunk-group context. Includes port-or trunk-specific commands that apply only to the selected port(s) or trunk group, plus the global configuration, Manager, and Operator commands. The prompt for this mode includes the identity of the selected port(s):
HP Switch(config)# interface c3-c6
HP Switch(eth-C5-C8)#
HP Switch(config)# interface trk1
HP Switch(eth-Trk1)#
Commands executed at configuration level for entering port and trk1 static trunk-group contexts, and resulting prompts showing port or static trunk contexts.
HP Switch(eth-C5-C8)#
HP Switch(eth-Trk1)#
HP Switch(eth-C5-C8)# ?
HP Switch(eth-C5-C8)# ?
Lists the commands you can use in the port or static trunk context, plus the Manager, Operator, and context commands you can execute at this level.
Context-specific commands affecting port context
Context-specific commands affecting port context
VLAN context. Includes VLAN-specific commands that apply only to the selected VLAN, plus Manager and Operator commands. The prompt for this mode includes the VLAN ID of the selected VLAN. For example, if you had already configured a VLAN with an ID of 100 in the switch:
HP Switch(config)# vlan 100
Command executed at configuration level to enter VLAN 100 context.
HP Switch(vlan-100)#
Resulting prompt showing VLAN 100 context.
HP Switch(vlan-100)# ?
Lists commands you can use in the VLAN context, plus Manager, Operator, and context commands you can execute at this level.
Context-specific commands affecting VLAN context
Context-specific commands affecting VLAN context

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